High-converting Multilingual Ghost Theme

High-converting Multilingual Ghost Theme

Building high-converting multilingual websites and newsletters - Generating unlimited revenue from worldwide customers.

The Docs document page is a one-page mini document page with only 1 page, the content displayed is based on the navigation bar in the Sidebar to help users find instructions easily.

The document page will follow the principle of synthesizing the articles you specify for the document page and forming a single page. How to specify needs, please see detailed instructions below.

Guide for using the TanaFlows theme: create landing pages, optimize SEO, installation, and synthesis of key instructions.

Demo Docs page

Step 1: Create a Docs Document Custom Page

Create a new page with Template Docs
Create a new page with Template Docs
  • Slug : optional, as demo is docs
  • Page title : optional, as demo is Docs
  • Excerpt : is the description after the title as shown in the picture, you can write it yourself
  • Template : you choose the template Docs
  • Post access : Leave Public or Members only if you want the Docs page to be viewed only by registered members. Usually to Public for Google SEO.
  • Content : The content section will be displayed below, you can optionally create content. This piece of content is displayed when the user visits the document page (About).
  • Tags : if you use multi-language, assign tag #multilingual otherwise leave blank.

Step 2: Create Tags for the document page

Sidebar headings are Tags
Sidebar headings are Tags
  • Name : the name of the Tags is the title for the heading on the sidebar of the document
  • Slug : arbitrary
  • Description : the description to be displayed when the user clicks on the respective titles on the sidebar.
Color: #dddddd
Color: #dddddd
Tags with Color #dddddd will be recognized and aggregated automatically by the document page, and hidden on the homepage and blog page.

Step 3: Create Internal Tags #docs

You need to create an internal tag #docs for the document page to automatically aggregate articles
Internal Tag #docs
Internal Tag #docs

Step 4: Create articles for the document page

Posts for Docs Page
Posts for Docs Page

The article you want to display on the document page must have:

  1. The tag #docsto specify the post is for the Document page.'
  2. The tag has a color #dddddd in step 2 (Demo is 1. Getting Started) to specify which heading the article belongs to in the Sidebar.
2 must-have tags
2 must-have tags

If you use multiple languages, then assign additional tags #multilingual like demo.

Some guidelines for document pages

The order of the sidebar posts is alphabetical and Featured . If you want the post to be at the top, there are two ways:

  1. Name it with prefix 1. 2. 3.
  2. Featured articles to prioritize above other articles

At the end of each article of the Document page, there is a link to the original article to help create internal links, enhancing SEO.


Cuong's avatar

Author bio will be limited to 200 characters. You can update your profile on the ghost dashboard. The banner image can be a Twitter banner or a 600x200px image.