High-converting Multilingual Ghost Theme

High-converting Multilingual Ghost Theme

Building high-converting multilingual websites and newsletters - Generating unlimited revenue from worldwide customers.

TanaFlows' decision to support local font Inter aims to help websites load faster by reducing external dependencies and leveraging the benefits of using locally hosted fonts.

  1. Elimination of External Dependencies: When using web fonts from external sources like Google Fonts, browsers need to make additional requests to external servers to fetch the font files. This external dependency can introduce delays in loading the fonts, especially if the server experiences high traffic or downtime. By supporting local fonts like Inter, TanaFlows eliminates the need for external requests, making the font files readily available on the website's server.
  2. Reduced Latency: Fetching font files from external servers can introduce latency, as it involves DNS lookups, establishing connections, and downloading the files. On the other hand, local fonts are directly available on the same server as the website's other assets, reducing the time required to access and render the fonts.
  3. Caching Benefits: When users visit a website that uses local fonts, the font files can be cached by the browser. Subsequent visits to the site or other pages within the same site will not require the browser to re-download the font files, resulting in faster page loads and improved user experience.
  4. Parallel Downloads: Browsers have a limit on the number of concurrent connections they can make to external servers. When using multiple web fonts from external sources, these connections can get occupied, potentially delaying other asset downloads. With local fonts, these connections are freed up, allowing other critical assets like scripts, stylesheets, and images to download simultaneously, speeding up the overall page load.
  5. Font Optimization: When hosting fonts locally, developers have more control over font file formats and subsets. They can choose to serve only the required font formats (e.g., WOFF2, WOFF) and specific character subsets needed for their website. This optimization can significantly reduce the font file size, leading to faster downloads and rendering.
  6. Improved Privacy: Some users and organizations prioritize privacy and prefer not to rely on external servers for fetching fonts. By using local fonts, TanaFlows respects user privacy and minimizes external data requests, enhancing the overall privacy posture of the website.
  7. Offline Availability: If a user revisits a website while offline or in a low-connectivity environment, having the font files hosted locally ensures that the website can still display content properly, even if the external font source is inaccessible.

TanaFlows' support for local font Inter enhances website performance by reducing external dependencies, minimizing latency, enabling caching, and offering more control over font optimization. These improvements collectively contribute to faster page loads and an overall better user experience for visitors to websites built with TanaFlows.


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Author bio will be limited to 200 characters. You can update your profile on the ghost dashboard. The banner image can be a Twitter banner or a 600x200px image.