High-converting Multilingual Ghost Theme

High-converting Multilingual Ghost Theme

Building high-converting multilingual websites and newsletters - Generating unlimited revenue from worldwide customers.

Telegram comments
Telegram comments

The interface of the Telegram commenting app is very friendly, although it lacks some notification and comment moderation features, it is still suitable for some blogs.

Step 1: Connect the site to the comment app

You go to the comment app to connect the site (requires a Telegram account first).

Connect Website
Fill in your information and domain
Fill in your information and domain
Copy Site ID
Copy Site ID

Step 2: Paste Site ID into ghost settings

You paste your Site ID into Setting > Design > Post > Paste in 3rd comment id and select Comment Porvider as Telegram.

Paste your Site ID in the 3rd comment id
Paste your Site ID in the 3rd comment id

Save and done!


Cuong's avatar

Author bio will be limited to 200 characters. You can update your profile on the ghost dashboard. The banner image can be a Twitter banner or a 600x200px image.