High-converting Multilingual Ghost Theme

High-converting Multilingual Ghost Theme

Building high-converting multilingual websites and newsletters - Generating unlimited revenue from worldwide customers.

FAQ schema

FAQ Schema is an important part of Schema.org structured data used to mark frequently asked questions (FAQ) information. Using the FAQ Schema has several important benefits:

  1. Improve visibility in search results : Using the FAQ schema helps questions and answers appear prominently in search results. This grabs the user's attention and can increase your website's click-through rate.
  2. Increase Chances of Engagement : With the FAQ schema, users can foresee the questions they want answered, helping to generate engagement before they even click on your page.
  3. Improve user experience : Providing accessible and well-structured answers can improve the user experience on your site.
The principle of creating FAQ schema automatically when using TanaFlows theme is:

1. Heading 2 ends with "?"
2. Use for both blog and page
3. Heading 3 will not be generated automatically
Heading 2 in the ghost editor and ending with a "?"
Heading 2 in the ghost editor and ending with a "?"
FAQ Page
TanaFlows automatically creates a schema structure for your blog or FAQ page with a template to help you gain a better SEO advantage.

FAQ Page demo

Step 1: Create internal tag #faq-schema

You need to quickly create an internal FAQ schema tag to use:

Internal tag #faq-schema
Internal tags#faq-schema

Step 2: Assign the tag #faq-schema to the post or page

Any articles you have h2 headings that end with a "?" you can assign tags #faq-schema

TanaFlows will automatically generate an automatic FAQ schema for you with heading 2 as the question and the content below heading 2 as the answer. The end of the answer is the next heading or the end of the lesson.

assign the tag #faq-schema to the article you need to create FAQ schema
assign tags #faq-schemato posts to create FAQ schema

To check if the article has created an FAQ schema, use Google's tool

Rich Results Test - Google Search Console
Google Rich Card Test
Google Rich Card Test


Cuong's avatar

Author bio will be limited to 200 characters. You can update your profile on the ghost dashboard. The banner image can be a Twitter banner or a 600x200px image.